Why Choose Bulkmetalsales.com?

  • The Best Pricing:  We have relationships with multiple nationwide steel suppliers so we can always provide you with the best pricing.
  • Price Matching:  Found a lower price?  We'll beat it!
  • Lowest Shipping Costs:  We've negotiated with carriers for the lowest LTL Shipping rates and we pass the savings on to you!
  • Fastest Shipping:  Centrally located warehouse in the heart of America for the fastest shipping to any destination in the continental US.
  • In-Stock:  Huge warehouse with hundreds of tons of metal in stock ready to ship to you!
  • Online Ordering:  All SKUs listed on our website for fast, easy online ordering.
  • Over 70 Years in Business:  We've been selling metal for over 70 years, so we know a thing or two.